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Karatheodoris Museum


Karatheodoris Museum


Karatheodoris Museum

At the Karatheodoris museum, visitors can discover the magnificent work of the leading Greek mathematician - of international fame - Konstantinos Karatheodoris, through authentic sources.

The museum housed in the historic building of the Tsanakliou School in Komotini, which rebuilt by Nestora Tsanaklis, who emigrated to Egypt from Komotini, in 1906-1907. At that time, Konstantinos Karatheodoris was in Germany, at the University of Göttingen, the "high tower" of mathematics, where he was awarded a doctorate in the philosophy of mathematics.

Konstantinos Karatheodoris was a rare figure in the history of science, where his unfathomable scientific entity competes with that of the human Karatheodoris, the loving family man, the mature citizen, the philanthropist at the level of the selfless visionary. His adamantine character, talent and intelligent mind could not but prescribe the brilliant course, a bright star that illuminates us even today with Greek and universal light.

The Karatheodoris Museum in Komotini is the lighthouse that preserves his work and life, to remind us of the brilliance of his work and offer it to us.

The museum houses the archives, personal items and family photos of the great mathematician as well as his correspondence with great scientists and personalities of the 20th century, such as Albert Einstein, David Hilbert, Kneser, Nikos Kritikos, A. Rosenthal and others. In fact, the original manuscripts of the correspondence with A. Rosenthal contain a new theory of Karatheodoris to which he gives the Greek word "SOMA".

The museum also hosts the archives of the glorious ancestors of K. Karatheodoris, Stefanos Karatheodoris the physician and Alexandros Karatheodoris, jurist-diplomat. Stefanos Karatheodoris spoke 17 languages and studied six university faculties: Medicine, Philosophy, Theology, Philology, Physics, Mathematics and belongs to the leading intellectuals of Europe. His son, Alexander, was a jurist-diplomat, spoke 16 languages and charted an illustrious career in various fields. Most of their children married important figures of modern Greek history and thus the white-fruited tree of the genus Karatheodoris with roots from Andrianoupolis in Thrace was created. Visitors can experience the family tree of 7 generations in the museum.

Therefore, visitors to the museum come into contact with the personality of a great teacher, philanthropist and head of the family, while at the same time they get to know the glorious family of the Caratheodorides, about whom many books have been written. Thus, children, youth and adults find role models to admire, to be inspired by and to envision.

From the first moment of the conception of the idea by the mathematician-writer, founder of the Association of Friends of Karatheodoris, Saki Lipordezis for the establishment and operation of such a museum, the main vision was to play an educational role for elementary, middle school, high school students and students in undergraduate or graduate level.

Young visitors have the opportunity through interactive games, video projections and digital presentations to discover in an experiential way the magnificent work of the leading Greek mathematician K. Karatheodoris, combining knowledge with entertainment.

The purpose of the Karatheodoris Museum, therefore, is educational - pedagogic as well as scientific.

Scientific, because the work of K. Karatheodoris is not only great. It's also top notch because it's innovative. He breaks new ground in many branches of Mathematics and Physics and even Astronomy with his book on Smith's reflecting telescope. Thus, many students, Greeks and foreigners even today, do a master's degree or even a doctorate on his work. In the museum there are the original manuscripts and the SOMAS theory book, exclusively by K. Karatheodoris, which was not published during his lifetime and is not yet widely distributed in the scientific community. This shows that the Karatheodoris case has a perspective and a future.

It is worth noting that for the students there is a set vision, the digitization of the museum's archives. Thus, students from all over the world will have access to the work of the Karatheodoris to do their work and bring this light of knowledge to Greece so that the Karatheodoris can be glorified again.


    Contact details Karatheodoris Museum

    Address: 17 Dimokritou, Komotini, TK. 69100, Rhodope
    e-mail: info[@]
    Phone: 25310 85640

    Child - Adolescent Department | Literature | Reading Room | Study of local history
    Mon-Fri: 8:00-8:00
    S: 9:00-14:00
    +30 25310 22589

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